- National Divorce Day occurs on the first working day after Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
- Many couples decide to divorce once the holiday season is gone.
- They wait for it till the holiday season is done.
- Divorces are more prevalent on National Divorce Day.
National Divorce Day Lawyers have witnessed a dramatic increase in divorces after the holidays on several occasions and year after year.
On National Divorce Day, when legal offices return to work after the year-end vacations, there is an upsurge in inquiries and cases. But why is that?
Table of Contents
On National Divorce Day, there are more divorces
Sarah Woodward, a divorce counselor, believes that the strains of Christmas, when families gather and spend more time together, may damage relationships.

She continues:”Often, couples have pre-existing troubles in their relationship and expect that spending time together would bring them closer together, but it doesn’t.”
“The last straw is financial hardship and the yearning for a perfect Christmas.”
“Others may have waited for one final Christmas with the kids before deciding to divorce.”
The quiz to determine the quality of your relationship
1. If you purchase a new dress, does your spouse…
A. compliment you on how it looks B. inquire about the price C. demand the receipt
2. How often do you argue?
A. once or twice a month B. daily
C. Never, ever
3. At the end of the day, do you…
4. Describe your ideal weekend.
A. A healthy balance of alone time with your spouse and socializing. B. Spending the weekend at home with your spouse, but each doing your own thing.
C. A vacation away with friends
Divorce Awareness Day
Divorce (British Broadcasting Corporation)
5. Something wonderful or unpleasant occurs in your day that you want to share. Do you?
A. Contact your partner.
B. Call your mother
C. WhatsApp your contacts
6. Your spouse plans a night out with friends. Do you?
A. Make plans to meet with your own friends.
B. Relish the fact that you have the home to yourself C. Check his/her Facebook and social media before, during, and after
7. How do you feel when you envision your lover with someone else?
A. Disgusted
B. envious C. unconcerned
8. Have your children ever shown worry about your happiness?
A. Never B. Only after a fight
C. At all times
If the replies are primarily ‘As,’ the relationship is still healthy. If the majority of the answers are ‘Bs,’ there is a problem.
Put some effort into it. There is yet a chance. However, if your responses are primarily ‘Cs,’ it suggests that you are considering divorce.
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How do you negotiate the divorce process?
1. Obtain moral and financial support.
As supporters, good friends and family members with no vested interest are ideal.
2. Do not conceal your trauma-related feelings. Allow it to flow. Distraction may not always be beneficial.

Make an effort to heal yourself.
3. Inform the children of the divorce jointly.
Take the time to thoroughly answer all of their inquiries.
Assure them of your affection and support. Divorce is a difficult experience
4. Maintain a cordial friendship with your ex.
5. Develop some soothing activities. To improve mental health, spend time outside, with pets, and exercise.
6. Make an effort to be grateful.
7. Unfollow your ex on social media and try to avoid using it for a bit.
8. Have no regrets and treat yourself well.