- Stephanie Sanzo is an Australian fitness celebrity and personal trainer.
- She has been in the spotlight since she began her career in the fitness industry.
- Her popularity has also led her to become a Sweat trainer and launch her own Sweat training program.
Stephanie Sanzo, also known as “Steph Fit Mum” by her fans, is an Australian fitness celebrity and personal trainer. She has been in the spotlight since she began her career in the fitness industry.
As a result, she now has over 2.2 million Instagram followers and has received several brand endorsement deals, which has helped her financially. Her popularity has also led her to become a Sweat trainer and launch her own Sweat training program.
Table of Contents
As a personal trainer,

Sanzo has shared numerous useful tips with her Instagram followers.
She regularly posts workout videos and workout plans in captions
for her followers to follow if they want to stay fit and healthy and achieve a great physique.
From the oldest to the most recent, here are five times Stephanie Sanzo
has provided workout plans via her Instagram handle.
‘Quads and Hams’ Workout (March 2021)
On March 10, 2021, Sanzo posted a series of workout videos to her Instagram account.
She provided a training routine for her Instagram fans to follow in order to demolish their Quads and Hips.
The first exercise was “Walking Lunge 4x10ea (20 steps),” followed by “Seated Leg Curl 4x10ea (20 steps)” (or Prone Leg Curl).
Then she instructed me to perform “Hack Squats 415 (or Leg Press),” followed by “Romanian Deadlifts 415.”
The final exercise was “Cable Squats 420,” which would be followed by “Cable Pull Throughs 420.”
She also said that she was utilizing a lot of machine-based motions
during her workout session because her body was exhausted and hurting from a deadlift workout earlier in the week.
Finally, she emphasized a positive aspect of machine-based exercises: “they create less total stress on the body.”
Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (April 2021)
Sanzo shared seven clips of her Glutes and Hamstrings workout on April 22, 2021.
She then proceeded to offer some directions for the exercise fanatics to follow, as is customary.
“You’ll note that the reps in this workout span between 10-20 reps throughout the entire session,”
she began the caption. Higher rep ranges have been discovered to be ideal,
particularly for the Glutes, when the goal is to increase Hypertrophy / Muscle Mass.”
She then went on to discuss the directions. To begin, perform “Bulgarian Split Squats 20,15,12,10 (Pyramid).”
The next phase was to perform “Kneeling Leg Curl 20,15,12,10 (Pyramid).”
The next step involved performing “Banded Hip Thrusts 410,” followed by “Banded Hip Abductions 420.”
Following that, one had to perform “Cable Rope Pull Throughs 415,”
followed by “Machine Hip Abductions 415.” The final step was to complete “Cable Glute Kickbacks 4x20ea.”
‘Back and Triceps’ Workout (July 2021)
On July 8, 2021, Sanzo, 34, went about her usual routine of providing useful workout tips/instructions.
This time, the program was designed to target both the back and the triceps.
She began the caption by inviting her fans to save and attempt this workout for themselves.
The instructions were then presented. Initially, “DB 1 Arm Rows 4x8ea” were required. Second, a “410 Lat Pulldown.”
Following those two stages were “Supinated Single Arm High Row 3x12ea,”
“Cable Straight Arm Pulldown 315,” and “Seated Dips 48-10.”
Finally, “Tricep Pushdowns 312-15” and “Close Grip Bench Push-Ups 3xMAX” were required.
Back and Biceps Workout (August 2021)
On August 18th, Sanzo posted a series of training videos accompanied
by the background music “People” by Lightmuzik.
She included workout ideas for both the back and the biceps in this piece.
Like in the previous one, she urged her followers to save this workout and do it for themselves.
The first suggestion was to perform “Kroc Rows 4x8ea.” The second one required “Neutral Grip Chin Ups 4xMAX.”
The first two workouts were “Seated Underhand Grip Rows 310,” “Lat Pulldown 312,”
“Cable Straight Single Arm Pulldown 3x15ea,” “Cable Single Arm Bicep Curl 4x10ea,” and “Dual Cable Bicep Flex Curl 320.”
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‘Shoulders and Biceps’ Workout (September 2021)
On September 29, 2021, the Australian personal trainer shared clips
of her workout in which she targeted both her shoulders and her biceps.
This time, like every other time, she shared the workout tips she used.
The initial instruction, “Seated DB Press 410,” was written by Sanzo, who stood 5 feet tall.
Then it was time for “EZ Bar (or DB) Single Arm Lateral Raise 4x12ea,” followed by “EZ Bar (or DB) Single Arm Press 4xMAX.”
Following that, “Sir Charles Raise 415” was to be performed, followed by “Cable Reverse Fly 415.
” Finally, “EZ Bar Bicep Curl 410” and “Seated DB Hammer Curl 415” were required.