- Romi Rain has been a pornographic film actress for many years.
- Rain was asked during her exclusive interview with Adult DVD Talk in December 2019 — if she dates or has dated someone outside the industry.
- Rain sat down with the same interviewer and outlet 20 months later, in August 2021, to answer some more questions, including some personal ones.
- Rain responded that she has “friends with benefits situations, and those have been more with industry people.”
Romi Rain has been a pornographic film actress for many years. She keeps her personal life hidden from the public and media. Rain, on the other hand, has shed some light on dating people both inside and outside of the adult industry.
Rain was asked during her exclusive interview with Adult DVD Talk in December 2019 — if she dates or has dated someone outside the industry.
In response, she stated that she does not date at the moment due to her work schedule.
“As they say, you’re either doing really well in business or really well in relationships; it’s difficult to balance the two.
So I’ve been concentrating on business and am looking forward to expanding, doing more, and traveling more.”
She went on to say that she had an unusual schedule that year.
It’s because there were months when she would only stay in Los Angeles for a week, and other months when she would stay for three weeks out of the month.
“I’ve been to five different states in the last month and a half.
When they say, ‘I just don’t have time for a relationship right now!’ they never give guys [expletive].
I tell a couple of my civilian friends that [physical relationship] is never an issue because it’s also my job.”
“So either I’m booked with companies to have [expletive] with people I’ve already had [expletive] with, or I shoot content with whoever I want to have [expletive] with,” Rain explained.

“No matter what anyone in the industry says, there is no science to dating as an adult performer,” she continued.
I’ve heard horror stories about people dating within the industry just as much as they have about people dating outside.”
“Hell, most of that happens on Twitter, which I think is worse!” I make every effort to keep all of my personal business in that realm private.
“It all depends on the person, compatibility, and trust,” she concluded.
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Rain sat down with the same interviewer and outlet 20 months later, in August 2021, to answer some more questions, including some personal ones.
One of the questions was whether she gets intimate outside of the adult industry with people from the industry or with civilians.
Rain responded that she has “friends with benefits situations, and those have been more with industry people.”
“It’s obviously a little bit safer, more controlled, everyone gets tested, and everyone knows the ins and outs, no pun intended.”
She then went on to discuss dating people outside of the adult industry.
She admitted to dating several men who had nothing to do with the adult industry.
“Some people believe it is easier to date outside of the industry, while others believe it is easier to date within the industry.
I don’t believe either is entirely correct. “I believe both have ups and downs,” Rain added.
“When you date someone from the industry, they understand what you’re going through, what you’re doing, and all that stuff, but when you date someone from outside the industry, there’s this separation of church and state, as we call it.”
People outside the adult industry, according to Rain, “care about you as a person but don’t want to know as much about your business.”
She also stated that those are the people who are closest to us as humans.
“Hopefully. That is why you must date a fan. I’m not completely opposed to it, but I don’t want to date a superfan who wants to be around me just because I work in the [adult industry].”
As she neared the end of her response, Rain revealed that she has dated both men and women in and out of the adult industry.
“I appreciate both; I am a bisexual woman.”
Finally, she stated that her ideal relationship would be with both a man and a woman, even though she recognizes that this is a little selfish.
Rain was also asked what the kinkiest thing she had ever done was during the same interview.
She replied that she had a year-long polyamorous relationship with a married couple.
Rain then discussed some of the events that occurred during that relationship, such as sleeping in the same bed and walking around holding hands.
“I think that was pretty kinky,” she said at the end of her response.
So that’s the end of Romi Rain’s personal life.
To summarize, she has had romantic relationships with both men and women, as well as one polyamorous relationship.
However, the identities of those partners have yet to be revealed.