Who is Jackie Robinson?
Jack Robinson was the first African American to play in the modern era of Major League Baseball (MLB). Jack Robinson was a professional baseball player from the United States who broke the baseball color line at the Brooklyn Dodgers’ base in 1947. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.
He also won the inaugural Rookie of the Year Award in 1947 and was an All-Star for six straight seasons from 1949 through 1954.
In 1949, he was also named National League Most Valuable Player.
Similarly, he appeared in six World Series and contributed to the Dodgers’ 1995 World Series victory.
However, MLB retired his uniform number 42 across all major league teams in 1997, making him the only professional athlete to do so.
On April 15, 2004, the MLB instituted a new yearly tradition known as Jackie Robinson Day.
Most of his fans are inspired to be the best they can be by his nonviolent personality and talent.
He was also the first black MLB broadcast analyst and vice president of Chock full o’Nuts, a significant American firm.
He also helped to found the Freedom National Bank in New York.
After his death, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Here are a couple of Jackie Robinson’s statements to remember.
“A life is only valuable in the impact it has on other people’s lives.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Pop flies are, in some ways, merely a diversion for a second baseman.” Grounders are his specialty.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Personal dignity is the most luxurious asset, the richest treasure someone has.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Life is not a game for spectators.”
You’re squandering your life if you spend your entire life in the grandstand just watching what happens.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“In baseball, the black press, some liberal sportswriters, and even a few politicians were hammering away at Jim Crow obstacles.”
I never anticipated the barriers to fall in my lifetime.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“When I think back on what I had to go through in black baseball,
I can only marvel at the numerous black players who stayed in the Jim Crow leagues for years because they had nowhere else to go.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I speak exclusively as an American who happens to be an American Negro and is proud of his background.”
We make no particular requests. We just ask that we be allowed to participate on an equal footing, and if we are not worthy, the competition will eliminate us.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I felt confined and miserable.” What might I do if I quit baseball? What could I do to earn enough money to help my mother and marry Rachel?
The solution to my predicament was only a few days away in the hands of Branch Rickey, the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I can’t believe I have it so good while so many of my black brothers and sisters are hungry, improperly housed, inadequately clothed, denied their dignity as they live in slums or barely survive on welfare.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I believe that if we look back at our history, the Negro has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have been more than patient in seeking our rights as American citizens.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“The most essential issue of our day is the right of every American to first-class citizenship.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Blacks have had to learn to protect themselves by being skeptical, but not too cynical to turn down prospective chances.”
We walk a tightrope in life to avoid being disillusioned.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“My issue was my inability to spend a lot of time at home.”
I assumed my family was safe, so I ran around everywhere else.
I guess I had a bigger impact on other people’s kids than on my own.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Losing kills me. If I’m a troublemaker, and I don’t think it’s because of my temper, it’s because I can’t handle losing.
That’s how I feel about winning; all I’ve ever wanted to do is come in first.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“A new generation of Republicans has taken over the Republican Party.”
It is a new breed that seeks to sell to Americans a theory that is as old as mankind: the concept of racial division, racial prejudice, and white supremacy.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Throughout my life, I’ve had a few dreams that occurred when I was awake.
One of these was the National Republican Convention in San Francisco, which produced the Republican Party’s greatest debacle in history: Nominee Barry Goldwater.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“When I play baseball, I give it everything I have on the field.”
I don’t take the ball home when the game is over.
My little kid, who is sitting out there, has no idea what a third strike is or a foul ball is.
At home, we don’t talk about baseball.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“It would negate everything I’ve done for if baseball is integrated but political parties are not.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I guess you’d call me an independent because I’ve never connected with one political party or another.”
I always cast my vote after carefully considering the actual candidates and issues, regardless of party affiliation.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I can’t salute the flag because I know I’m a black man in a white society.”
I know I never had it manufactured in 1972, 1947, or 1919, when I was born.”—JACKIE ROBINSON

“Today, African-Americans play on every major league and minor league team.”
We, like millions of other African-Americans in various fields, are willing to stand up and be counted for what we believe in.
We are no longer willing to wait until Judgment Day for equality; we want it now, as well as in Heaven.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“All that matters is how you performed in yesterday’s game.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“This isn’t much fun. But keep an eye on me; I’ll get it done.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“The old Dodgers were something special, but there was nobody like Pee Wee Reese for me among my teammates overall.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Baseball, in my opinion, is as big a business as anything.”
The manner in which it is run implies that it must be a business.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“Throughout my baseball career, I have always expected to be traded.
I was never a fan of the concept.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I will be eternally thankful to Colonel Longley.” He demonstrated to me that when people in positions of authority take a stand, good may emerge from it.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I had rehearsed with the squad, and our first game was against the University of Missouri.”
They made it known to the Army that they would not play a team that included a black player.
Rather than telling me the truth, the Army granted me leave to return home.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“My protest against post-exchange seating yielded some effect.
Although there were more seats for blacks, there were still distinct areas for blacks and whites.
At the very least, I had shown my men that speaking out could accomplish something, and I hoped they would be less resigned to unjust conditions.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“The colonel said that he didn’t care how my soldiers executed the task.
He was relieved that it had been completed.
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He stated that, regardless of how much or how little I knew technically, I was able to get the most out of the people with whom I worked.”—JACKIE ROBINSON
“I didn’t have a future with the Dodgers because I was too closely associated with Branch Rickey.”
After Walter O’Malley took over the club, you couldn’t even bring up Mr. Rickey’s name in front of him. Mr. Rickey was the best human being I had ever known.—JACKIE ROBINSON